Mahele Documents

03418 Kahikinui, wife
Claim Number: 03418
Claimant: Pelekai
Other claimant:Kahikinui, wife
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Koloa, Komohana
Ili: Aea
Statistics: 2204 characters 393 words
No. 3418, Pelekai, Koloa, January 13, 1848
N.R. 49v9

The Land Commissioners, greetings: I hereby state my claim for land. I, Pelekai, a Hawaiian subject living at Koloa, island of Kauai /have land which is bounded:/ on the east side, 12 chains 9 fathoms, on the south side, 4 chains 5 fathoms, on the west side, 7 chains 4 fathoms, on the north side, 7 chains 4 fathoms. There are five lo`i. I received this from Paul ....

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.... onoula.

His land came from Pine down to his parents after the war and down until the time of Kanoa. and now there is no opposition.

Pueo, witness, I have heard the testimony of A. Makanui concerning the land of Pelekai and it is true. Pelekai died during the epidemic and it was inherited by his wife Kahikinui who has it until the present time.

[Award 3418; R.P. 3757; Aea Koloa Kona; 1 ap.; 1 rood 30 rods]