Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 03404B
Claimant: Kulaakamoa
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Paa
Ili: Hihinui, Pula
Statistics: 2169 characters 350 words
No. 3404B, Kulaakamoa, Claimant, Pula, Paa, Kauai
F.T. 204v13

Kekele, sworn, says, I wrote Kulaakamoa's claim on the same day in which I wrote the claims of several of my neighbors & it was put into the same package with theirs and sent by Kihepono to Kanoa at Koloa.

Hama, sworn, says I know the land of Claimant. It lies in Paa and in the ili of Pula and consists of one loi ai & two lois not ....

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.... os;s dry loi.

Section 2 - Pahupahu.
Mauka by Hama's land
Hanapepe by Kekele's pahu (?) land
Makai by Kekele's pahu (?) land
Koolau by Kalae's pahupahu.

Land from Wahapuu at the time of Kekauonohi, no objections.

Kaalae, sworn; he was present, he heard Hama's testimony, it is true.

[Award 3404B; R.P. 5161; Pula Paa Kona; 2 ap.; 1.5 Acs 28 rods]