Mahele Documents

12/6/2006 4:39:12 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 03386
Claimant: Pehuino
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Wailuku
Ahupuaa: Waiehu, Wailuku
Ili: Kuhimana, Paukukalo, Kapaaloa, Pauniu, Holu
Statistics: 3042 characters 496 words
No. 3386, Pehuino
N.R. 69v6

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I, Pehuino, of Paukukalo, hereby state to the Honorable Land commissioners that I have 23 lo'i. At Kapaaloa, 3 lo'i at Pauniu, 1 lo'i at Holu, 1 lo'i. That is my claim for cultivated lo'i land. There is a house and a kula outside which is my claim.
Farewell to the Land Commissioners.
Wailuku, 4 January 1848

F.T. 419-420v7
Cl. 3386, Pehuino

Nalehu, sworn, I know the lands of the claimant. They consist of 4 pieces of land in Wailuku, ....

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.... />Parcel 4. Taro mo'o at Kuhimana, Waiehu.

[No. 1] is bounded:
Mauka by Kaupa
Waihee by the same
Makai by government lot
Maalaea by Kaianui.

[No.] 2 is bounded:
Mauka by Kaupa
Waihee by the same
Makai by government lot
Maalaea by Kaupa.

[No.] 3: Is surrounded on all sides by the land of Kaupa.

[No.] 4 is bounded:
Mauka by the po'alima of C. Kanaina
Waihee by Kahikapa
Makai by Makanui
Maalaea by lo'i pa'ahao.

[Award 3386; R.P. 5150; Paukukalo Wailuku; 3 ap.; 3.24 Acs]