Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 03294D
Claimant: Kahue
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Wailuku
Ahupuaa: Wailuku
Ili: Papohaku, Kapalaalaea
Statistics: 3498 characters 564 words
No. 3294D, Kahue
F.T. 4v8

The Claimant made oath that Naleipulelho wrote out and sent in his claim in December 1847.

Hooluna, sworn, The Claimant's land consists of two pieces in Wailuku, Maui.

No. 1 is a Moo of kalo land in Papohaku.
No. 2 is 2 lois of kalo land in Kupalaalaea.

The Claimant received No. 1 from Kalapa in the year 1846 and he from Z. Kaauwai, and he from Governor Namakeha. and No. 2 from Naai in 1843 and he from Kalawaiako in olden times. His title is not disputed.

No. 1 is bounded: Mauka and all sides by Z. Kaauwai's land.

No. 2 is bounded:
Mauka by Kuapuu's land
Waihe ....

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.... a moo of kalo in Papohaku
Section 2 - 2 lois of kalo in Kapalaalaea.

The claimant received section 1 from Kalapa in the year 1846, he was from Z. Kaauwai, he from Governor Namakeha.

Section 2 - he received from Naai in 1843, he from Kalawaiako in olden times, his title is not disputed.

Section 1
Mauka by Kaauwai's land
Waihee by Kaauwai's land
Makai by Kaauwai's land
Maalaea by Kaauwai's land.

Section 2:
Mauka by Kuapuu's land
Waihee by Lonoaea's land
Makai by Kaai's land
Maalaea by Pahoa's land

[Award 3294D; R.P. 5976; Papohaku Wailuku; 1 ap.; .39 Ac.]