Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 03233
Claimant: Hoaai
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Wailuku
Ahupuaa: Wailuku
Ili: Kalua
Statistics: 2278 characters 366 words
No. 3233, Hoaai
N.R. 46v6

To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: I hereby state my claim. There are three mo`o, and two lo`i in another person's mo`o. They are in the `Ili called Kalua in Wailuku Maui. They are bounded on the north by the mo`o of Kumaiku, on the east by the land boundary wall and the hakuone /small land division as cultivated for the chief/, on the south by the lo`is of Z. Kaauwai, on the west by the lo`i of ....

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.... ole and Kaolulo
Makai by land boundary wall
Maalaea by Z. Kaauwai.

No. 2. is bounded:
Mauka by George Lanas*
Waihee by Kekua
Makai by Po`alima of M. Kekuanaoa
Maalaea by Hiolo.

No. 3 is bounded:
Mauka by Kamoku
Waihee by myself
Makai by Government lot
Maalaea by Po`alima of M. Kekuanaoa.


[Award 3233; R.P. 7559; Kalua Wailuku; 2 ap.; 4.03 Acs]