Mahele Documents

02973 Kauka,Kuahaipu,Kawinui,6 more men
Claim Number: 02973
Claimant: Piki
Other claimant:Kauka,Kuahaipu,Kawinui,6 more men
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Niu,Koko
Statistics: 1261 characters 189 words
No. 2973, Piki, Niu, December 30, 1847
N.R. 9-10v4

I, Piki, greet you, the Land Commissioners and hereby state the claims of various persons:

1. Kauka; 1. Ualanui, 2. Halekahua, 3. Kuikuipahu, 4. Kaohe, 5. Kaumuilio, 6 ....

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.... a, 5. Kaalo, 6. Mohuluholua; 7. Puaahope, 8. Puhaloi.
11. Keoni; Kupuna, Manana, Kapupuu, Kalimukele, Panowi.
12. Piimoku; Kapuuiki, Kalihiloko, Ahukea, Malupuna.
13. Kekupuohi; 1. Kaaumaka, 2. Pohakuloa

[No. 2973 not awarded]