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No. 2699, Wewehi, Waialua, January 5, 1848
N.R. 596-597v3
I, Wewehi, hereby explain my claims for land, which were held from the time of Kamehameha I, a claim for land and a claim for a lot, and a pond.
The first is Nuukauila, where there are 34 lo'i, and the kula; it is surrounded by pali and the stream.
The second is Kanekuakua, Kawailoa waena, where there are 13 lo'i; it is surrounded by Kuokoa ma's, and the pali, and Kahuna's land.
The third is Lokoea, where there is one lo'i. On the north is Kolikoli's, on the east is Ukaeha's, on the south is pali, on the west is Kahuna's.
The fourth is Ulupanainai where there is one lo'i which is surrounded by the lo'is of Kawiwi ma.
The fifth is Kawaipuolo, where there is a portion of a lo'i, surrounded by those of Paku ma and the pali, and Kuokoa ma. My pond is also at Lokoea. It is surrounded by the house lot and the coconut grove and the ponds.
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Apana 3:
Mauka by lo'i of Kauhiwai
Waianae by Pali
Makai by land of Kahuna
Koolaupoko by my land.
Apana 4:
Mauka by house lot for Kaaiawa
Waianae by pond of Kolikoli, Kealapahunui
Makai by Po'alima coconut grove
Koolaupoko by Lokoea.
Apana 5: Mauka by Lokoea
Waianae by roadway
Makai by lot of Kahuna
Koolaupoko by Lokoea.
Apana 6: A right to cultivate sweet potato like that of Koinihi, Kolikoli & Peku.
Apana 7: A communal right to pasture, there are 60 of them.
Apana 1 was from his parents in the time of Kamehameha I,undisputed. Apanas 2, 3 and 4 were from Kuokoa, in the time before Emerson lived here in Waialua, undisputed. Apana 5 was his also in the time before Emerson lived here, and it is undisputed.
Kahoeka, sworn, My knowledge of it is the same as that of Kolikoli.
[Award 2699; R.P. 876; Kawailoa Waialua; 1 ap.; 7.18 Acs; Award to Wewehi for Keawehunahala]