Mahele Documents

3/1/2009 4:45:31 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 02595
Claimant: Poohina
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Koolaupoko
Ahupuaa: Heeia
Ili: Koaena
Statistics: 1647 characters 285 words
No. 2595, Poohina
N.R. 569-570v3

Here is my claim for land. I hereby state my claim for land at Heeia, Island of Oahu. It is the mo'o Paauki 5, 1 kula.
December 2, 1847

F.T. 90v14
Helu 2595, Poohina, See 397 page

Nauka, hoohikiia, Ua ike au i k ....

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.... has disturbed claimant in the possession of the five taro patches. Claimant claims 3 more taro patches given him at the same time by the same man in the same ili.

Komomua, sworn, I knew Nauka to give claimant his land about the year 1846.

[Award 2595; R.P. 991; Koaena Heeia Koolaupoko; 1 ap.; .5 Ac.]