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No. 2494, Julia Kekou
N.R. 522-523v3
Hear ye, ye Commissioners whom the Mo`i has appointed, Greetings and peace: I, the one whose name is below hereby state my claim for some lo`is here in Ewa, in the Ahupua`a of Kalauao. We have 6 lo`i, together with the fish in one lo`i pond. This is an old weed-grown place and was not worked on until the present. It was formerly used in the time of Kaoleloku, and at this time is being worked on by me. In 1844 I gave the good sum of ninety dollars to lease those lo`is.
My occupancy is as konohiki, or perhaps supervisor, under Konia. But since the call ....
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.... f Kaonoki in Kalanao ahupuaa, Ewa, Oahu.
Section 1 - 2 patches.
Section 2 - 2 patches.
Section 3 - 2 patches.
Land from Paki in 1848, no one objected to Kekoa.
Section 1:
Mauka, Kaokai
Honolulu,and makai, Opu's pond
Waianae, Kamaehu's land.
Section 2:
Mauka, Huea's house
Honolulu,and makai, Poalima
Waianae, Fence.
Section 3:
Mauka and Honolulu, Nane
Makai, Alapai is a moo of Hu
Waianae, Alapai is a moo of Hu
[Award 2494; Land Patent 8145; Kaonohi Kalauao Ewa; 4 ap.; 4.538 Acs]