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No. 2469, Koenakaia
N.R. 513v3
To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: I, the one whose name is below, hereby state my claim for land in the 'ili of the konohiki, Kaukea, of Wailele. There are 8 taro lo'i and also a kula adjoining the kula of Keliihelemoku. There is also a house lot claim on the east of my land, which I got in 1827.
Waikapoki, Kaneohe, December 18, 1847
F.T. 98v11
No. 2469, Koenaakaia
Kumuhonua Hoohikiia, Ua ike au i kona aina ma Ka ....
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.... >Mauka by creek of Wailele
Koolauloa by a small brook
Makai by Kauikea's kalo patches
Kailua by creek of Wailele.
No. 4 is bounded:
Mauka by the kalo land of Aipuaa
Koolauloa by the creek of Wailele
Makai by the creek of Wailele
Kailua by the ili of Kalaepa.
Claimant had his land from Kauikea in the year 1839. No one has disputed his title.
Kukona testifies that the above is all true.
[Award 2469; R.P. 281; Wailele Kaneohe Koolaupoko; 3 ap.; .48 Ac.]