Statistics: 1429 characters 235 words
No. 2410, Kekaei, Honuaula, December 26, 1847
N.R. 486v3
Hear ye, ye Land Commissioners: I hereby state my land claim. I, Kaei have an `ili, Kaulanamaa, at Keauhou 2. On the north is the `ili of Kahikinui, on the east is the `ili of Kaluanui. on the south is Kaul ....
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.... by Kaihekulani.
Section 2:
Mauka by Puhululu
Kula by Kalawaia
Makai by Inaole
Kahikinui by Konohiki.
Section 3:
Mauka by Government trail
Kula by Keawepaewaa
Makai by Sea
Kahikinui by Kapo.
[No. 2410 not awarded]