Land Grants

Grant Number(LG)6402Source Book:31
Grantee: Williams, Claire Eloise Acreage::1 Ac.
Ahupua`aKailua, Kawailoa Beach Lot Year1915
District:Koolaupoko Cancelled
IslandOahu TMK
MiscellaneousReel 13, 1364.tif    
Statistics: 2773 characters 450 words
No. 6402, Williams, Claire Eloise, Kawailoa Beach Lot, Kailua Ahupuaa, District of Koolaupoko, Island of Oahu, Vol. 31, pps. 45-47 [LG Reel 13, 01363-01366.tif]

Land Patent No. 6402


On Cash Purchase

By this Patent the Governor of the Territory of Hawaii, with the approval of two thirds of the members of the Board of Public Lands of the Territory of Hawaii makes known to all men that he has this day granted and confirmed unto Claire Eloise Williams for the consideration of Two Hundred Dollar ....

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.... to affixed, this 14th day of June, A.D. 1915.

(Great Seal)

(Signed) Wade Warren Thayer
By the Governor:

(S) Joshua D. Tucker, Commissioner of Public Lands

The above sale was approved by the Board of Public Lands, Territory of Hawaii, the 22nd day of September 1910.

(Signed) J.F. Brown, Secretary, Board of Public Lands, Territory of Hawaii

[Land Patent Grant No. 6402, Williams, Claire Eloise, Kawailoa Beach Lot, Kailua Ahupuaa, District of Koolaupoko, Island of Oahu, 1 Acre, 1915]