Statistics: 1588 characters 269 words
No. 2219, Keawe
N.R. 402-403v3
`Ili of Kamoolepo, Manoa, Island of Oahu. I have 4 lo`i. On the north is the stream, on the east is the lo`i of Kaulu-laau, on the south is the lo`i of Wahinepee, on the west is the lo`i of Iwa and Mahu. There is a kula, 3 planted lemon trees, 1 house. Finished. ....
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.... of which I was able to reach and there were some whom I could not locate, and some are dead, therefore, I am returning these documents to you with my comments on each of them.
With appreciation, J.W.E. Maikai
Honolulu, 10 August 1853
[Award 2219; R.P. 2431; Kamoolepo Manoa Kona; 1 ap.; .57 Ac.]