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No. 2203, Nahema
N.R. 399v3
`Ili of Palailaiha. I hereby state to you, the Land Commissioners, my claim for land at Waikapu, consisting of some lo`is and the kula, a small section of land. I got my land from Kealanahelehele, it is my right, and I have occupied it with no objections. D. Malo is the konohiki. The names ....
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.... is no po`alima, and no opposition.
[No.] 1 is bounded:
Mauka by David Malo
Waihee and Kula by Puupahoehoe
Maalaea by Atoni C. /Antonio Catalina/.
[No.] 2 is bounded:
Mauka and Waihee by Puupahoehoe
Kula by Waikapu stream.
[Award 2203; R.P. 3132; Paleileiha Waikapu; 1 ap.; 97 Ac.]