Land Grants

Grant Number(LG)05167Source Book:25
Grantee: Baldwin, Henry P. Acreage::873 Acs
Ahupua`aOmaopio Year1909
District:Kula, Makawao CancelledFalse
IslandMaui TMK
Statistics: 3964 characters 630 words
No. 5167, Baldwin, Henry P., Omaopio Ahupuaa, District of Kula, Island of Maui, Vol. 25, pps. 99-102 [LG Reel 10-00788-00791.tif ]

Land Patent No. 5167
On Land Exchange

By this Patent the Governor of the Territory of Hawaii, in Conformity with Laws of the United States of America and of the Territory of Hawaii, makes known to all men that he has this day granted and confirmed unto Henry P. Baldwin for the consideration of            Dollars $2 paid into the Treasury. The conveyance to the Territory of Hawaii by the said Henry P. Baldwin of certain land situate in the District of Hamakualoa, Island of Maui, Territory of Hawaii as evidenced by that certain Deed of the said Henry P. B ....

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.... f the Government Main Road to Kula (60 feet wide), and that portion of the Homestead Road to the Omaopio Homesteads, (40 feet wide), through this tract, leaving a net area of 873 Acres

Containing 873 Acres, more or less.

To Have and to Hold the above granted Land unto the said Henry P. Baldwin and his heirs and assigns forever.

In Witness Whereof, The Governor of the Territory of Hawaii has hereto set his hand and caused the Great Seal of the Territory to be hereunto affixed, this 11th day of May, A.D. 1909.


(signed) W. F. FREAR
(Signed) James W. Pratt,
Commissioner of Public Lands

[Land Patent Grant No. 5167, Baldwin, Henry P., Omaopio Ahupuaa, District of Kula, Island of Maui, 873 Acres, 1909]