Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 02116
Claimant: Kumuhea, wahine
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Kahookane
Statistics: 3230 characters 562 words
No. 2116, Kumuhea, Honolulu, 23 December 1847
N.R. 361v3

To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: I, the one whose name is below, have a claim for a mo`o and a small kula, at Kahookane. The konohiki is Namauu. My claim is bounded on the north by the Government road; -east, by the mo`o of Umiumi; south by a stream; west by the land of Uluehu. I got the land from my kupunakane. Kualii was the ali`i of Oahu at that time.
I am, with aloha,

N.T. 648v3
No. 2116, Kumukea /Female/, See page 655, July 17, 1850

Kaluaikai /Female/, sworn, I have seen his [her] land section ....

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.... his by virtue of his position as konohiki is an old one. The lot had been acquired at the time of Opupahoa who had been konohiki before the battle at Nuuanu.

He had possessed the lot together with that hog sty and it had always been in the konohiki's hands until it was acquired by Namauu. It has been that way to the present time; that is, it is for the konohiki and not for anyone else. That is what I have known.

Postponed until a land officer makes a clear and correct /land/ dis-tribution.

[Award 2116; R.P. 5685; Kahookane Honolulu Kona; 1 ap.; .28 Ac.;R.P. 4368, Also R.P. 3691 (both cancelled)]