Mahele Documents

02103 Nahakualii, W.B.; son; heir
Claim Number: 02103
Claimant: Kaihumua
Other claimant:Nahakualii, W.B.; son; heir
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Kahawali, Hauhaukoi
Statistics: 5256 characters 893 words
No. 2103, Kaihumua
N.R. 356-357v3

To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: /I have held these claims/ from the reign of Kamehameha III to this day on which I am petitioning you. My claims for land and my house lot at Hauhaukoi consist of 4 lo`i, however, they are not together in one place - one adjoins the lo`is of Kahina and Kianui, and an irrigation ditch on one side.

The 3 remaining lo`i are together and are adjacent to the lo`is of Kianui and Kupihe. At Kahawaii are 3 lo`i which are together in one place, and are adjacent to the lo`is of Pealole, Halalu, and Kepio. They have all been held peacefully under the konohiki. The house claim is at Kahawaii. It is bounded on the north by the house of Keonekapu, on the east by a po`alima lo`i, on the south by the land of Kianui and Kaohihi. I have occupied all of these places continuously.
I am, with aloha,
All of these places are makai of Kunawai, Island of Oahu.

N.T. 641v3
No. 2103, Kaihumua, See page 645, ....

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.... . Nahakualii, my son.

That is what I shall give you, my son, and the 3 taro patches at Kaha-wali I shall withhold from you, son; they shall be for me for cultivation. How do you feel about that?

W.B. Nahakualii, son: It is well that these patches of ours be for you /those/ which are by the 4 patches and the village.

Kaihumua, father: Yes, the interest at Hauhaukoi which is the 4 patches and the house lot at Kahawali is for you, my son, forever without any further thought about it in the future on my part. Hear ye, my son, also these two people and my wife.
Ear and eye witnesses to the grant: Kauwe, Pipa.

The officer's decision approved. Nahakualii, your father is old and is also ailing; therefore, you take good care of him until he shall die. Both of you shall pay to us the tax as insisted by our board.

[Award 2103; R.P. 6975; Kahawali Honolulu Kona; 1 ap.; .07 Ac.;R.P. 7253; Hauhaukoi Honolulu Kona; 2 ap.; .28 Ac.; Kaihumua for W.B. Nahakualii]