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No. 4542, du Roi, C., & J.F. Humburg, Tantalus, Honolulu Ahupuaa, District of Kona, Island of Oahu, Vol. 22 pps. 633-636 [LG Reel 8, 01210-01213.tif]
On Time Payment
By this Patent the Governor of the Territory of Hawaii, in conformity with the laws of the United States of America and of the Territory of Hawaii, makes known to all men that It has this day granted and confirme ....
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.... tory of Hawaii has hereto set his hand and caused the Great Seal of the Territory to be hereunto affixed this 13th day of February A.D. 1902.
/Signed/ Sanford B. Dole
/Signed/ Edward S. Boyd
Commissioner of Public Lands `
[Page 636 blank]
[Land Patent Grant No. 4542, du Roi, C., & J.F. Humburg, Tantalus, Honolulu Ahupuaa, District of Kona, Island of Oahu, 2.19 Acres, 1902]