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No. 4373, Nahiku Sugar Company Limited, Nahiku Ahupuaa, District of Koolau, Island of Maui, Vol. 21 pps. 481-484 [LG Reel 8, 00514-00517.tif]
Grant on Cash Purchase
By this its Patent the Government of the Republic of Hawaii makes known to all men that It has this day granted and given unto Nahiki Sugar Company Limited, a Corporation duly incorporated under the Laws of the Hawaiian Islands, for the consideration of One Hundred and Thirty Five Dollars paid into the Exchequer and in conformity with Section 17 of Part IV of the Land Act of 1895, all that piece of land ....
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.... Hawaii authorize this Grant.
We, the President and Executive Council of the Republic of Hawaii authorize this Grant.
/s/ Sanford B. Dole, President of the Republic of Hawaii
/s/ E.A. Mott-Smith, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Finance
/s/ J.A. King, Minister of the Interior
/s/ Henry E. Cooper, Attorney General
The within Grant has been recommended by the undersigned Commissioners of Public Lands
/s/ J.A. King
/s/ W.R. Castle
[Land Patent Grant No. 4373, Nahiku Sugar Company Limited, Nahiku Ahupuaa, District of Koolau, Island of Maui, 7 Acres, 1899]