Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 02064
Claimant: Kawaiohilo
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Waimea
Ili: Peekauai
Statistics: 3376 characters 574 words
No. 2064, Kawaiohilo, Peekauai, Waimea, Kauai
N.R. 342v3

To the Land Commissioners, greetings, in God: I, the one whose name is below, hereby state my claim in the `ili of Peekauwai. There are three lo`i and a kula. On the north of those lo`is is for Kua, on the south are the lo`is of Hakuihewa, on the west are the lo`is of Kuahua. my house claim is bounded on the north by a pali, on the west by a house, on the south and the east by a lo`i.
Farewell and peace to you,
Waimea, Kauai

F.T. 163-164v11supp
No. 2064, Kawaiohilo, Claimant

Upai, sworn, says: I know the lands [of] Claim ....

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.... lokaa moo, Peekauai of Waimea.
Mauka by Pali/pasture
Hanapepe by coconut grove
Makai by running through Keoni's house lot, road
Mana by Kalokaa, a pali.

Land from Kaumualii to his parents, then he received it after his (Kawaiohilo) parents' death.
The Konohiki took section 1, which was the pasture at the time Kaahumanu was yet alive and it has been that way since that time to the present.

Iona, has this section. Section 4 is his claim.

Kamanoha, sworn, verifies Upai's statements as accurate and true.

[Award 2064; no R.P.; Namooelua 2 ap. 3 roods 12 rods; Peekauai 1 ap. 1 rood 33 rods]