Land Grants

Grant Number(LG)04119Source Book:20
Grantee: Atzimo Acreage::9.58 Acs
Ahupua`aKaiwiki Year1898
District:Hilo CancelledFalse
IslandHawaii TMK
Statistics: 2875 characters 445 words
No. 4119, Atzimo, Kaiwiki Ahupuaa, District of Hilo, Island of Hawaii, Vol. 20, pps. 21-24 [LG Reel 7: 01012-01015.tif]

Patent No. 4119
Grant On Homesteads

By this its Patent the Government of the Republic of Hawaii makes known to all men that It has this day granted and confirmed unto Atzimo for the consideration of Forty Seven 90/100 ($47 90/100) Dollars paid into the Exchequer and for the further consideration of his having complied with the terms and conditions of the Homestead Act of 1892, all that piece of land situate at Kaiwiki, in the ....

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.... >To have and to hold the above Granted Land in Fee Simple unto the said Atzimo, his heirs and assigns for ever.

In Witness Whereof, the President of the Republic of Hawaii has hereto set his hand and caused the great Seal of the Republic to be hereunto affixed, this 25th day of January A.D. 1898.

(Great Seal)

/signed/ Henry E. Cooper
By the President
/signed/ J.A. King
Minister of the Interior

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[Land Patent Grant No. 4119, Atzimo, Kaiwiki Ahupuaa, District of Hilo, Island of Hawaii, 9.58 Acres, 1898]