Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 02055
Claimant: Kahawaiolaa
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Ewa
Ahupuaa: Halawa
Ili: Kunana
Statistics: 1936 characters 301 words
No. 2055, Kahawaiolaa
N.R. 339-340v3

To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: I, the one whose name is below, hereby state my claim in the `lli at Kahala in Halawa, Ewa, Island of Oahu, a taro mo`o. 6 taro lo`i together on the north is Kauhalu's, on the east is Kaheana's, on the south is Keawe 2's, on the west is a ko`ele lo`i. One stonewalled pond.< ....

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.... . 3 taro patches and a pasture:
Mauka, my land
Honolulu, konohiki
Makai, Kauhalu
Waianae, government lot.

Kamalani had given him his land during the time of Liholiho and he has always lived there; no one has objected.

Kaupali, sworn, We both have known alike.

[Award 2055; R.P. 767; Kunana Halawa Ewa; 2 ap.; 1.09 Acs; Aiea Ewa]