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No. 3974, Janes, Joseph M., Olaa Ahupuaa, District of Puna, Island of Hawaii, Vol. 18, pps. 849-852 [LG Reel 7, 00446-00449.tif]
On Olaa Reservation
Liliuokalani, By the Grace of God, Queen of the Hawaiian Islands: By this Its Her Royal Patent, [insert] The Government of the Republic of Hawaii [end insert] makes known unto all men, It has that She hath for herself, her heirs and successors, this day granted and given unto Joseph M. Janes, for the consideration of Four Hundred and Eighty Five 36/100 ($485.36/100) Dollars paid into the Exchequer ....
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.... anes, his Heirs and Assigns forever.
In Witness Ourself, at Honolulu, this day of 18, in the Second year of Our Reign. Whereof the President of the Republic of Hawaii has hereto set his hand and caused the Great Seal of the Republic to be hereunto affixed this 15th day of September A.D. 1896.
BY THE QUEEN President
(signed) Sanford B. Dole
The Minister of the Interior
(signed) J.A. King
[Page 852 blank]
[Land Patent Grant No. 3974, Janes, Joseph M., Olaa Ahupuaa, District of Puna, Island of Hawaii, 97.56 Acres, 1896]