Mahele Documents

02010 Kailaa, wife
Claim Number: 02010
Claimant: Mauu
Other claimant:Kailaa, wife
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kalihi
Ili: Pohakalawaia
Statistics: 1731 characters 268 words
No. 2010, Mauu
N.R. 322v3

To the Land Commissioners: Greetings: I, the one whose name is below hereby state my claim for seven lo`i and a kula in the `ili of Pohakalawaia, in Kalihi, Island of Oahu.
Residence: Lot of Kanepaiki

F.T. 243v3
Cl. 2010, Mauu

Kailaa, the ....

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.... iki's land
Ewa by Alex Adams land.

Land to Namauu from Kahaha, the konohiki in 1840. He lived there till he died in 1849. Kailaa, Namauu's wife, conveyed outright this claim to Kahaha in 1849.

Maulili, sworn, every statement above is true. I have known in the same way.

[No. 2010 not awarded]