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No. 3448B/3448.2, Kamaukoli, Beniamina, Kamaole Ahupuaa, District of Kula/Makawao, Island of Maui, Vol. 16, pps. 205-208 [LG Reel 5, 01510-01513.tif]
NO. 3448B
KALAKAUA, By the Grace of God, King of the Hawaiian Islands: By this His Royal Patent, makes known unto all men, that he has for himself, his heirs and successors, this day granted and given unto Beniamina Kamaukoli, for the consideration of Thirteen Hundred and Twenty-five ($1325.) Dollars, paid into the Royal Exchequer, all that piece of Land situate at Kamaole, Kula in the Island of Maui and described as follows:
Lot 1. Beginning at the Southwest angle of Grant 525 to Keahi, thence running by Magnetic bearings as by adjoining Grants:
South 73° 00' East 340 1/2 feet along Grant 525 (Keahi)
South 73° 00' East 132 feet along Grant 540, Apana 2 (Opunui)
South 51° 00' East 330 feet along Grant 5 ....
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South 54° West 1.50 Chains along Government Land
North 36° West 2.50 Chains along the Sea Shore, Thence to Initial point.
Area 37100 Acre.
[Diagram a]
[Page 207]
[Diagram b]
Containing - 156 73/100- Acres, more or less; excepting and reserving to the Hawaiian Government, all mineral or metallic mines of every description.
To Have and to Hold the above granted Land in Fee Simple, unto the said Beniamina Kamaukoli, Heirs and Assigns forever.
Witness Ourself, at Honolulu, this 30th day of August 1889, in the Sixteenth year of Our Reign.
By the King
(signed) Kalakaua Rex
The Minister of the Interior
(signed) L.A. Thurston
[Page 208 blank]
[Land Patent Grant No. 3448B, Kamaukoli, Beniamina, Kamaole Ahupuaa, District of Kula/Makawao, Island of Maui, 6 apana, 156.73 Acres, 1889]