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No. 3344, Lei, W.L. / W.D., Kakalahale Ahupuaa, District of Kipahulu, Island of Maui, Vol. 15, pps. 421-424 [LG Reel 5, 01059-01062.tif]
No. 3344
Kalakaua, By the Grace of God, King of the Hawaiian Islands, by this, His Royal Patent, makes known, unto all men, that he has for himself ....
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.... twenty 28th day of October, 1882, in the Ninth year of Our Reign.
By the King
(Inoa) Kalakaua Rex
The Minister of the Interior
(Inoa) Jonathan E. Bush
[Page 424 blank]
[Land Patent Grant No. 3344, Lei, W.L. / W.D.?, Kakalahale Ahupuaa, District of Kipahulu, Island of Maui, .34 Acre, 1882]