Land Grants

Grant Number(LG)03328Source Book:15
Grantee: Kahoiwai, Maria G. Acreage::1.91 Acs
Ahupua`aHonolulu, Kewalo St. & Wilder Sts Year1882
District:Kona CancelledFalse
IslandOahu TMK
Statistics: 1996 characters 285 words
No. 3328, Kahoiwai, Maria Gordon, Kewalo Street & Wilder Avenue, Kulaokahua Plains, Honolulu Ahupuaa, District of Kona, Island of Oahu, Vol. 15, pps. 357-360 [LG Reel 5, 00997-01000.tif]

NO. 3328

Kalakaua, By the Grace of God, King of the Hawaiian Islands, By this, His Royal Patent, makes known, unto all men, that he h ....

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.... urself, at Honolulu, this Eighth day of May, 1882, in the Ninth year of Our Reign.

By the King, signed Kalakaua Rex
The Minister of the Interior
Signed W.N. Armstrong

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[Land Patent Grant No. 3328, Kahoiwai, Maria Gordon, Kewalo Street & Wilder Avenue, Kulaokahua Plains, Honolulu Ahupuaa, District of Kona, Island of Oahu, 1.91 Acres, 1882]