Land Grants

Grant Number(LG)03294Source Book:15
Grantee: Honolulu Library & Reading Association Acreage::0.13 Ac.
Ahupua`aHonolulu, Hotel & Alakea Sts. Year1881
District:Kona CancelledFalse
IslandOahu TMK
Statistics: 3567 characters 528 words
No. 3294, Honolulu Library & Reading Association, Hotel & Alakea Streets, Honolulu Ahupuaa, District of Kona, Island of Oahu, Vol. 15, pps. 221-224 [LG Reel 5, 00861-00864.tif]

See Deed No. 1207[?] Territory of Hawaii to Honolulu Library & Reading [?] Association
NO. 3294

Kalakaua, By the Grace of God, King of the Hawaiian Islands, By this, His Royal Patent, makes known, unto all men, that he has for himself, his heirs and successors, this day granted and given unto     for the consideration of        paid into the Royal Exchequer, all that piece of Land ....

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.... gns forever]. for a Public Library in terms of and under in the conditions expressed in the said recited Report and upon conditions that the building contemplated by the said recited[?] upon be completed upon the said land within two years from the date thereof.

Witness Ourself, at Honolulu, this fourth day of June, 1881, in the Eighth year of Our Reign.

For the King
By the King, Liliuokalani P.R. [Princess Royal]
The Minister of the Interior
H.A.P. Carter

[Page 224 blank]

[Land Patent Grant No. 3294, Honolulu Library & Reading Association, Hotel & Alakea Streets, Honolulu Ahupuaa, District of Kona, Island of Oahu, 5695 square feet (.13 Acre), 1881]