Mahele Documents

7/13/2010 4:00:01 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 01910
Claimant: Apiki
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Manoa
Ili: Hamamakawaha, Kolowalu
Statistics: 1706 characters 254 words
No. 1910, Apiki, Halekauila, Honolulu
N.R. 294v3

To the Land Commissioners: I have a claim for six lo`i at Hamamakawaha, jumping to Koloalu, two lo`i, a house lot with two hala trees in the lot.
APIKI X, his mark

N.T. 192v10
No. 1910, Apiki, 2 February 1853

Mahiai, sworn, I have se ....

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.... e present day.

Apiki, sworn, I have rejected my claim in Kolowalu, I hereby return it for the Konohiki, C. Kanaina and continuing to his heirs without further disputes.

Paniani, sworn, every statement above is true, I have known in the same way.

[Award 1910; R.P. 2584; Hamamakawaha Manoa Kona; 1 ap.; .87 Ac.]