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No. 1906, Kaumakaokea, Halekauila, Honolulu
N.R. 294v3
To the Land Commissioners: I have a claim for six lo`i and a parcel of kula, also, at Hamamakawaha. At Koloalu is one house lot.
N.T. 306v10
W.E. Maikai to E.G.M. Robertso ....
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.... opy
Kaumakaowakea and I have discussed about his patches. One patch named "Kaulu" remains for the king. This has been agreed by Kaumakaowakea and me.
Jona Piikoi
Kewalo Kai, 12 September 1854
[Award 1906; R.P. 2586; Hamamakawaha Manoa Kona; 2 ap.; 1.21 Acs]