Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 01837
Claimant: Kealoiki
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Wailupe
Ili: Kaohia
Statistics: 2248 characters 354 words
No. 1837, Kealoiki
N.R. 273v3

`Ili of Kaohia, Wailupe Ahupua`a, Island of Oahu. I have a claim at Kului. I have a claim at Kaohia II, two kula for cultivating ipu /gourd/ and one house lot.

F.T. 204-205v3
No. 1837, Kealoiki

Naehu, sworn, This land is in Kaohia, Wailupe, in two pieces of potato planting.

1. House lot, no house, 2 fields unfenced.
Muka, M ....

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.... >Makai, my land
Waikiki, a stream.

[No.] 2. 1 potato patch:
Mauka, Malaea
Niu, a precipice
Makai, Malaea
Waikiki, a stream.

Kamaha had given his land in the year 1846 and he has always lived there and did Friday detail for the konohiki. There was no objection.

Nawai, sworn, Our testimonies are similar; no objections.

[Award 1837; R.P. 3716; Kaohia Wailupe Kona; 2 ap.; 1.18 Acs]