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No. 1831, Mamala
N.R. 272v3
`Ili of Pamoa, Manoa Ahupua`a, Island of Oahu. I have one mo`o, eleven lo`i, one kula, one house lot. One house lot is in Honolulu - on the north is the kula of Apiki, on the east is the lo`i of Unea and Kanaina, on the south is the lo`i of Kaawahua, on the west is the mo`o of Kaohe. It is finished.
F.T. 478-479v3
No. 1831, Mamala, August 4, 1853
Kailiulaula, sworn, says he knows the land of claimant at Pamoa, Manoa Valley. It consists of 9 kalo patches, in 2 pieces, and ....
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.... y to the present time. No one has objected.
Sections 1 & 2 are from Kaawahua given at the time of Kinau before 1839 and he had lived there comfortably to the year 1848. Three patches were taken away at this time from section 2 by C. Kanaina, the konohiki, and Mamala departed from the eight patches here and has lived away to this time I have not known the reason for the konohiki's action.
Kuikuikahi, sworn, The things which are related above are true; I have known in the same way.
[Award 1831; R.P. 2598; Pamoa Manoa Kona; 1 ap.; 1.40 Acs]