Mahele Documents

01778 Kaheananui, son; heir
Claim Number: 01778
Claimant: Huwelo
Other claimant:Kaheananui, son; heir
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Waikiki
Ili: Kekio
Statistics: 2206 characters 342 words
No. 1778, Huwelo
N.R. 251v3

To the Land Commissioners, Greetings:

I hereby state my claim for five lo`i and a house lot at Kekio. I am a lopa /tenant/ under the people who have the mo`o. That is my claim to you.
I am, with thanks,
HUWELO X, his mark
Waikiki, Oahu, at Kekio, 16 December 1847

F.T. 183-184v3
No. 1778, Huwelo [1849]

Mano, sworn, This lan ....

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.... land in the year 1845 and he had lived comfortably to his death in 1848; there had been no objections. He had bequested this land for his son, Kaheananui, and to this time there has been no objections.

Amauma, sworn, Our testimonies are similar; no one has objected.

Keekapu's (Female) statement: I have no objections to Huelo.

[Award 1778; R.P. 2544; Palolo Kona; 1 ap.; .45 Ac.; Huelo for Kaheananaui]