Land Grants

Grant Number(LG)00864Source Book:5
Grantee: Holdsworth, J. H. Acreage::235.24 Acs
Ahupua`aHokukano 1 Year1852
District:Kona, North CancelledFalse
IslandHawaii TMK 3-7-9-10
Statistics: 11585 characters 1740 words
No. 864, Holdsworth, Henry, J.H., Hokukano 1 Ahupuaa, District of North Kona, Island of Hawaii, Vol. 5, pps. 00143-00144 [LG Reel 2, 00711-00712.tif]

HELU 864

Ma keia palapala sila nui ke hoike aku nei o Kamehameha III, ke Alii nui a ke Akua i kona lokomaikai i hoonoho ai maluna o ko Hawaii Pae Aina, i na kanaka a pau, i keia la, nona iho, a no kona mau hope alii, ua haawi lilo loa aku oia ma ko ano alodio ia Henry J.H. Holdsworth, kanaka Beretania i manao pono ia ia i kela apana aina a pau e waiho la ma Hokukano 1, Kona ma ka Mokupuni o Hawaii, a penei hoi ka waiho ana o na Mokuna.

E hoomaka ma ke kihi Hikina Akau o keia, a e holo ma ko Cummings pa a i ke kihi Hikina Hema, Alaila holo iuka ma ka iwi o Hokukano 1 a me 2
[first column]
Hema 31° 30' Hikina 972 kapuai, alaila
Hema 69° 00' Komohana 313 kapuai, alaila
Hema 7° 10' Hikina 47 kapuai, alaila
Hema 52° 00' Komohana 255 kapuai, alaila
Hema 63° 10' Komohana 466 kapuai, alaila
Hema 67° 45' Komohana 638 kapuai, alaila
Hema 71° 30' Komohana 762 kapuai, alaila
Hema 61° 45' Komohana 608 kapuai, alaila
Hema 56° 00' Komohana 284 kapuai, ma hiki Alanui
Hema 63° 30' Komohana 122 kapuai, alaila
Hema 63° 15' Komohana 681 kapuai, alaila
Hema 63° 45' Komohana 259 kapuai, alaila
Hema 59° 15' Komohana 195 kapuai, alaila
Hema 62° 00' Komohana 803 kapuai, alaila
Hema 67° 30' Komohana 444 kapuai, alaila
Hema 70° 15' Komohana 345 kapuai, alaila
Hema 68° 10' Komohana 129 kapuai, alaila
Hema 67° 00' Komohana 187 kapuai, alaila
Hema 68° 30' Komohana 90 kapuai, alaila
Hema 56° 15' Komohana 154 kapuai, alaila
Hema 63° 45' Komohana 41 kapuai, alaila
Hema 86° 00' Komohana 91 kapuai, alaila
Hema 66° 10' Komohana 152 kapuai, alaila
Hema 71° 00' Komohana 106 kapuai, alaila
Hema 71° 10' Komohana 476 kapuai, alaila
Hema 77° 15' Komohana 237 kapuai, alaila
[second column]
Hema 72° 15' Komohana 501 kapuai, alaila
Hema 68° 15' Komohana 325 kapuai; alaila
Hema 64° 30' Komohana 224 kapuai; alaila
Hema 62° 00' Komohana 397 kapuai; alaila
Hema 55° 15' Komohana ....

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.... e
North 76° 15' East 262 feet, thence
[Page 146]
North 75° 00' East 238 feet, thence
North 69° 00' East 669 feet, thence
North 71° 15' East 320 feet to road, thence
North 60° 15' East 945 feet, thence
North 74° 15' East 225 feet, thence
North 63° 00' East 519 feet, thence
North 35° 00' East 77 feet, thence
North 31° 15' East 197 feet, thence
North 54° 15' East 325 feet, thence
North 60° 30' East 187 feet, thence
North 53° 20' East 125 feet, thence
North 59° 30' East 415 feet, thence
North 59° 00' East 147 feet, thence
North 60° 00' East 135 feet, thence
North 75° 15' East 175 feet to the point of beginning.

Reserving the rights of Native tenants.

Containing 235 24/100   Acres, more or less; excepting and reserving to the Hawaiian Government, all mineral or metallic Mines of every description.

To have and to hold the above granted Land in Fee Simple, unto the said Henry J.H. Holdsworth, his Heirs and Assigns forever, subject to the taxes to be from time to time imposed by the Legislative Council equally, upon all landed Property held in Fee Simple: Provided always, and this grant is made upon the express condition, that the said Henry H.J. Holdsworth, his Heirs, Executors or administrators shall, in all cases of dispute in relation to his or their rights, title or interest in the land hereby granted, or in any part or parcel thereof, submit the same to the judicial tribunals of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and abide by the final decisions of those tribunals, without seeking the intervention of any Foreign Nation or Representative; and in case he or they shall refuse so to do, his and their estate therein and all of his and their rights, title and interest therein, shall cease and determine, and the same shall be immediately forfeited and escheat to the Hawaiian Government.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my Hand, and caused the Great Seal of the Hawaiian Islands to be affixed, at Honolulu, this 2nd day of September 1852.

Signed, Kamehameha
Signed, Keoni Ana

[Land Patent Grant No. 864, Marsh, Lucius, Kaiko Ili, Kealia Ahupuaa, District of South Kona, Island of Hawaii, 12.5 Acres, 1853]