Land Grants

Grant Number(LG)00483Source Book:3
Grantee: Bailey, Edward Acreage::286 Acs
Ahupua`aWaikapu Year1850
District:Wailuku CancelledFalse
IslandMaui TMK 2-3-5-01
Statistics: 3942 characters 674 words
No. 483, Bailey, Edward, Waikapu, Ahupuaa, District of Wailuku, Island of Maui, Vol. 3, pps. 174-175 [LG Reel 1, 01311-01313.tif]

No. 483
Royal Patent    

Kamehameha III, By the Grace of God, King of the Hawaiian Islands, by this Royal Patent, makes known, unto all men, that he has for himself and his successors in office, this day granted and given, absolutely, in Fee Simple unto Edward Bailey his faithful and loyally disposed subject for the consideration of the sum of Two hundred and Eighty six Dollars {$286.00}, paid into the Royal Exchequer, all that certain piece of Land situated at Waikapu, in the Island of Maui and described as follows:

Commencing at the North East corner of this land on West side of the road leading ....

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.... ku no, ma ke ano alodio, a no ko na mau hooilina, a me ko na waihona, ua pili nae ka auhau a ka Poe Ahaolelo e kau like ai ma na aina alodio a pau i kela manawa i keia manawa.

A i mea e ikea'i ua kau wau i ko'u inoa, a me ka Sila Nui o ko Hawaii Pae Aina ma Honolulu i keia la 29 o Novemaba, 1850.

(Inoa) Kamehameha
(Inoa) Keoni Ana


Treasury Office, [left blank] of [left blank] 185 [left blank]
Received of E. Bailey the sum of Two Hundred and Eighty six Dollars for land as per Patent No. 483 and four dollars, the fees of patenting.
For Minister of Finance, William Jarrett

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[Land Patent Grant No. 483, Bailey, Edward, Waikapu, Ahupuaa, District of Wailuku, Island of Maui, 286 Acres, 1850]