Mahele Documents

4/12/2010 6:41:35 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 01731
Claimant: Kaaua
Other claimant:
Other name: Kaawa
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kapalama
Ili: Kawaawa, Kamaihi, Kanahiili
Statistics: 3554 characters 558 words
No. 1731, Kaaua
N.R. 231-232v3

To the Land Commissioners, Greetings and the peace of God: I, the undersigned, hereby tell of my claim for land in the `ili of Kamaihiili at Kapalama, Island of Oahu. One lo`i and two irrigation ditches are on the east of the large irrigation ditch. One lo`i and one irrigation ditch are on the west, making a total of five of my land claims. My house lot is at Piliamoo at the circumference of Hooliliamanu, /which I had/ before the law was enacted.
KAAUA X, His mark
December 10, 1847 [1731

F.T. 168v3
No. 1731, Kaaua

Kaiwi, sworn, This land is in Kamahiili, Palama, kalo and kula.

1 house lot fenced, 1 house
Mauka ....

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.... time. I am the supervising konohiki for all of these Kapalama lands since long ago. I am a native of this land, I have always lived here and so have Kainiki and Kaaua. I have never done koele here neither have any other overseer since the day Kainiki had received the land to this day; therefore, he has a true title. I have no objections for this koele patch. The tenant has always had it and for a long time. Kaiui was in error about the time Kainiki had received the land, I have the truth just as I have related it. There have been no oppositions there and the konohiki has no claim.

[Award 1731; R.P. 2845; Kawaawa Kapalama Honolulu Kona; 1 ap.; .07 Ac.; Kamaihi Kapalama Kona; 1 ap.;.87 Ac.]