Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 01723B
Claimant: Neddles, John
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kapalama
Ili: Pulehu
Statistics: 1742 characters 282 words
Cl. No. 1723B, John Neddles, February 21 [1849]
F.T. 110v3

Kanoena, sworn, I know this place. It is in Pulahu, Palama, in two lots.

1 house lot, having a frame house and two brick tombs and 1 house belonging to me, and 1 kalo patch:
Mauka is Kaholo and Hooliliamanu
Honolulu is Lupe
Makai, George Ho ....

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.... >Chief Kauikeaouli had given J. Neddles land in the year 1833 and the deed for it was given by Kaikioewa in 1835 because he was the assistant at that time and he has lived there to the present; no one has objected.

Kala, sworn, Our testimonies are similar.

[Award 1723B; R.P. 80; Palama Honolulu Kona; 2 ap.; 3.36 Acs]