Mahele Documents

00048 Akini, Ouwini; daughters
Claim Number: 00048
Claimant: Kahanaumaikai
Other claimant:Akini, Ouwini; daughters
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Nuuanu & Hotel Sts
Statistics: 4054 characters 648 words
No. 48, Kahanaumaiki, claimant
F.R. 64v1

1 document entered in Native Register page 54

N.R. 54v1
No. 48, Kahanaumaika

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I wish to explain to you, the commissioners. The commutation has been paid for the lot and thereby it should belong to the one who has it. Therefore we are hopeful that you will include our place among those to be held allodially. The circumference of our lot is 222 feet.
The lot is for my daughter and the lot at Kolopo Store of Ana Kaihuna.
Here are our names.
May 6th, 1846

F.T. 62v1
Claim No. 48, Kahanaumaikai, 14 July [1846]

Paki sworn, ackno ....

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.... thoms would be his and should I return the two fathoms, the money will be acquired. That was our agreement.
Kauhola, Kahanaumaikai
Kauhola sworn and verified the document to be correct.

March 6, 1839
The year and month of the sixth day is the day we talked together with Kahanaumaikai about selling my property to him. He consented and we agreed that $30.00 was the price.

This transaction took place in the chapel at nine o'clock on the day I was doing some work in the grounds of the church at Polelewa.
Napahi, Kahanaumaikai

Paki vowed to the truthfulness of the document, although he did not pen his signature himself, but his secretary did it for him.
William Richards

[Award 48; R.P. 1116; Nuuanu St. Honolulu Kona; 1 ap.; .09 Ac.]