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No. 1527, Laanui
N.R. 145v3
To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: From the time of Kaomi until this day on which I petition you, /I have held/ my land claim at Kaliawa, in Kalihi kal, Island of Oahu, which is bounded as follows: on the north and the east, the land of Alika, on the south, the stream, on the west, the lo`i of Kauko. These are the boundaries of these lo`is of mine. Furthermore, one of my lo`i adjoins makai of the Government Road to Niau, a different `ili makai of Kal ....
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.... uka, Ewa street
Honolulu, my land
Makai, Kamalanai's land
Ewa, Kukona's land.
Laanui's lot and one patch are from Kapo and the other two patches are from Kamalalo. These were received at the same time and he has lived there in peace to the present time. W. Beckly is the konohiki.
Weuweu, sworn, I have seen this land just as Kalauolupe has just related here.
[Award 1527; R.P. 6563; Niau Kalihi Kona; 1 ap.; .11 Ac.; Pahuiwi Kalilhi Kona; 1 ap.; .25 Ac.]