Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 01520
Claimant: Laipo
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kalihi
Ili: Kaliawa
Statistics: 1843 characters 274 words
No. 1520, Laipo
N.R. 142v3

To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: My land claim at Kaliawa, mauka of Kalihi, Island of Oahu, is from the year 1847 until the day on which I petition you. There are two lo`i together, mauka of the po`alima lo`i, and one of my lo`i adjoins mauka of the lo`i of Kapuunoni.
LAIPO X, his mark
7 December 1847 ....

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.... auka is Kalaaulahaole's land
Honolulu, Kapuunoni's land
Makai, W. Beckley's land
Ewa, Kapakai's land.

Laipo's land, the first patch, is from me given at the time of Liliha and the other two patches are from the konohiki, Kahunahana given in the year 1846. He serves under W. Beckley.

[No. 1520 not awarded]