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No. 1492, Kaakau
N.R. 134v3
Land Claim of Kaakau at Moanalua, No. 9
To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: I hereby petition for my land claim. I have three lo`i in the mo`o of Hoomoeapule and one dry kula. The boundaries of the three lo`i and the kula are: on the north, the mo`o of Kaanaana, and the ....
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.... tion. 1 house is for Kaakau.
Mauka is my lot;
Honolulu, Mauna
Makai, mine
Ewa, Kailiuli.
Kaakau's interest is from me given at the time of Liholiho and he has lived there always to the present time, no one objecting.
[Award 1492; R.P. 363; Kahohonu Moanalua Kona; 1 ap.; 1.73 Acs]