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No. 1457, Paumano, Waikiki, Oahu, December 9, 1847
N.R. 119v3
To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: I hereby tell of my land claim at Hamohamo in Waikiki. I have two lo'i, a section of irrigation ditch, and also a kula. Mamala gave me this place in the time of Kaahumanu I. I have occupied it from that time with no objections.
I also have a house lot at Hamohamo. I began to live there in the time of Kaahumanu I. I have not been objected to until this time
F.T. 51-52v3
Cl. 1457, Paumano, December 15, 18 ....
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.... a is Manaole
Waialae, Kahue
Makai, Haau
Honolulu, Koa.
3. 1 pasture without a fence where:
Mauka is Kahanaumaikai
Waialae, Kaluahinenui
Makai, Napahi
Honolulu, Kuluwailehua.
He [His wife] had received this interest from Aikanaka through his [her] parents before the missionaries arrived and he has been comfortable to this time; no one has objected.
Kapea, sworn, Our testimonies are similar, there have been no objections.
[Award 1457; R.P. 1273; Waikiki Kona; 2 ap.; 1.75 Acs; Paumano for Kaumaka]