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No. 1409, Nakoko
N.R. 100-102v3
To the Land Commissioners, Greetings and peace: I, the undersigned, hereby tell of my claims for one lo`i, named Aikahi, also a house lot at Kalia, in Waikiki, Island of Oahu.
Residence: Kapapala
F.T. 12v3
Cl. 1409, Nakoko, October 11, 1848
Kawao, sworn, This land is in the ....
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.... inenui's place.
All of these interests have been from me given at the time of Kaahumanu I and since that time to the present, he has lived there peacefully without any objections. I am the konohiki for this place since Kaahumanu I to the present time. Pikolia is the landlord.
[Award 1409; R.P. 4154; Kalia Waikiki Kona; 1 ap.; 2.92 Acs]