Mahele Documents

01288 Maria, wife; Bell, William, opposes
Claim Number: 01288
Claimant: Kuwini, Kolenelio Uilama
Other claimant:Maria, wife; Bell, William, opposes
Other name: Stevens, William; Colonel
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Statistics: 3072 characters 543 words
No. 1288, K.U. Kiwini
N.R. 57v3

To the Honorable and Esteemed Land Commissioners, Greetings:
I, Kolonelio Uilama, hereby tell of my house lot claim in Honolulu on the southeast of the schoolhouse of Lowell Smith. However, this is not the boundary of this place. Its boundaries and dimensions are
the lot of Kaapuiki is on the northwest side, 9 fathoms long,
the lot of Mua is on the southeast side, 9 fathoms long,
the lot of A. Paki is on the northeast side, 4 fathoms wide,
the lot of Kapahe is on the southwest side, 4 fathoms wide.

The right was given ....

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.... ll requested that a house be built there to which Kiwini refused. After the second request had been denied, Bell took all the lumber of his house and sold it to Hale. Malaea died before the year 1837, but I have never heard her bequest. I have been under William Kiwini as caretaker and Kahalewiliwili under William Bell since that time; however, there is no house in that lot at this present time.

Kaale, sworn: Mua's testimony and mine are similar and the same is for the boundaries, just as have been reported by William Bell's witnesses.

[No. 1288 not awarded; See Award 1177]