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No. 1031, Kapai
N.R. 596v2
To the Land Commissioners: I hereby tell you of my claims, one is a house lot and one is a land. The house lot is at Kapalama; Kainapuaa, adjoining Honolulu, Island of Oahu. The land is at Kalaepohaku in the Land of Kanoa. Those are the two claims. Farewell and good wishes to you.
F.T. 315v2
Cl. 1031, Kapai, 19 May [1848]
Nalauai, sworn, This place is in Kapalama, consisting in two separate places.
1. First, House lot, b ....
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.... rom me, mine is from Kanoa and I am his caretaker. Kapai and Nalauai had built the house and the enclosure on this property, but Kanoa is the individual who has objected. This property has been fenced and there is one house there. Kanoa has felt that Kapai should live there and build a house site."
Pahua, sworn and said, "I have seen this property exactly as Nalauai has just related to you here."
[Award 1031; R.P. 3417; Kapalama Honolulu Kona; 1 ap.; .25 Ac.; R.P. index lists name as Kapoi]