Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 01008
Claimant: Ku
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Ewa
Ahupuaa: Waikele
Ili: Papaa
Statistics: 2044 characters 330 words
No. 1008, Ku, Waikele, Ewa
N.R. 592v2

I, Ku, a claimant, tell you of my three claims: first, a mo`o `aina,, second, a small patch under someone, third, a house lot.
Farewell to you all.

F.T. 405-406v2
Cl. 1008, Ku, 28 July [1848]

Kahuapanio, sworn, This land is in Waikele, ewa, consisting of 3 pieces.

1. First, House lot ....

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.... ction has one patch and a pasture.
A land lot is mauka
Niko's land, Honolulu
My property, makai and
Kaeo's land is on the Waianae side.

Ku's land had been from me in the year 1830. I will not protest.

The land officers understand this; therefore, no further testimony is necessary.

[Award 1008; R.P. 3398; Papaa Waikele Ewa; 1 ap.; .542 Ac.]