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No. 971*H, Aikake Habatala /Isaac Harbottle/, Honolulu, 25 November 1847
N.R. 567-568v2
To the Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Islands, Greetings:
I hereby tell you of my house lot claim in Honolulu, Oahu. It is bounded on the north by a road between this lot and Mr. Brewer's lot, on the east by Hotel Street, on the south by Peter Andesson's lot, on the west by a road between this lot and Kahoa ma's house lots.
This land was from Kauluha, a wahine of mine, and I got it on her death, in 1838. I have held it peacefully, with no objections.
I am, with thanks, your obedient servant.
F.T. 294v2
Cl. 971, A. Habatala, may 3d [1848]
Kapuniai, sworn, I know this place. It is in Honolulu, a house lot, bounded:
Mauka by Hotel Street
Waititi by Manini's[?] place
Makai by Kahoa & Ahu
Ewa by Mrs[?] Williams Store lot.
It is fence ....
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.... me of that land. The mountain on the mountainside and the ocean on the seaside are the boundaries I have known.
It was the king who had directed me to give this land to A. Harbottle and I did give (it to him), although I have not known the boundary at Hilo One and the boundary that is close to Hamakua. I have never known also anyone objecting to this land."
N.T. 68-69v16
No. 271!, Isaac Harbottle, Lahaina, Maui, 20 March 1854
[should be 971]
Kalua, sworn, I have seen his house lot at Kuhua, Lahaina, Maui.
[It is bounded]:
Mauka by Imiwale's house lot
Olowalu by Small road
Makai by Government road
Kaanapali by Robert Reed's house lot.
Land from King Kamehameha in 1841 at the time M. Kekauluohi was living on Maui here. No disputes.
Isaac Lewis, sworn, confirms witness' testimony.
[No. 971 not awarded on Island of Hawaii - Hilo; See Oahu award]