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No. 892, Aoao, Honouliuli, October 23, 1847
N.R. 509-510v2
To the Honorable Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Islands, Greetings: I hereby tell you of my land claim, at Nukee in Honouliuli, Ewa, Island of Oahu. It is bounded on the north by the ili of Kinolua and house of my makuakane above it. On the east by the land of Nohunohu, and the land of Kawahamana, on the south by an irrigation ditch and the land ....
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The property fence is the only enclosure of this land and there are five patches there. Aoao's land had been from Kinolua, from Kamehameha I. No one has objected."
Kaaiawaawa, sworn and said, "I have seen these places exactly as Oni has just stated here."
[Award 892; R.P. 6935; Kapapahi Honouliuli Ewa; 1 ap.; .15 Ac.; R.P. 6767; Niukee Honouliuli Ewa; 2 ap.; 1.387 Acs]