Mahele Documents

00862 Kalola, opposes
Claim Number: 00862
Claimant: Kahalehili
Other claimant:Kalola, opposes
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Ewa
Ahupuaa: Waikele, Waipio
Ili: Pouhala, Kaohai, Kauka, Honoamanu
Statistics: 4228 characters 717 words
No. 862, Kahalehili, Waikele, Ewa, November 1, 1847
N.R. 484v2

To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: I hereby tell you correctly of my land claims and my house lot claims. My little house lot is at Pouhala. I have a small claim at Kaohai, 1 "Sand Hill" pond' 1 taro patch. This ends the Waikele claims.

There is also a claim at Waipio, at Kauka, one patch, at Holoamanu, one patch. These are all my claims which I tell you of correctly.
Farewell and thanks to you.

F.T. 360-361v2
Cl. 862, Kahalehili, June 26 [1848

Kalola, sworn, I do not know about the land, but about the house. I consented to claimant building the house. It is my land, and my claim is put in for it under the name of Luluhiwalani (See Cl. 686). The house w ....

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.... I have seen Kahalehili's property in Waianae on Oahu here. The boundaries are:

Kolii's land, toward the mountain
Manamana's land, Honolulu
Paakai's land, toward the sea
Mahoe's land, Makaha.

I do not know the number of patches he has there. He has no house there nor is there a fence. There are five people on his land, but there is only one house. The konohiki of this property is Kekuanaoa and he has 19 patches and Kahalehili had received his land from him in the year 1846. All of the five men have lived under Kahalehili and he himself had told me their names: 1) Hikapoloa, 2) Kawi, 3) Kalima, 4) Keawe, 5) Niau.

Keawe is the one of this group of men whose house is standing on the land and these men have an interest in this land.

[No. 862 not awarded]