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No. 848, Kapule, Honouliuli, September 25, 1847
N.R. 474-475v2
To the Honorable Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Islands, Greetings: I hereby tell you of my land claim as directed by the law. This land is at Poohilo, Honouliuli, Ewa, Island of Oahu. It is bounded on the north by the land of Kekuahilo, on the east by the land of Kaekuna, on the south by the land of PuhIpaka and the land of Kahawai, on the west the land of Kahalana and the land of Kelemana. The second of my claims is bounded on the north by the land of Oni, and the land of Kekua, on the east by Kelemana and the land of Moano and the land of Mauele, on the west by the land of Kumupopo. The third of my claims is bounded on the north by the land of Oni, on the east by the land of Kapule, on the south by the land of Kekua, on the west by my houses. The fourth of my claims is bounded on the north by the land of Kauakahilau, on the east by the land of Oni, on the south by the land of H ....
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.... d the sea
Kekua's land, Waianae.
There are three taro patches in this third section.
4. Kauakahilau's land, mountainside
Oni's land, Ewa
Hinaa's land, toward the sea and Waianae.
This is a single patch.
5. A lot, mountainside
Manaole's land, Honolulu here
Oni's land, toward the sea
Kauakahilau's land, Waianae.
There are five patches and one pasture in this section. Kapule's land had been from Kauakahilau in the year 1844.
The first and third sections are from Kukuna; the second from Kapauea; the fourth from Hinaa in the year 1845; the pasture from Kauakahilau in the year 1844. There is no house on these four sections nor is there a fence."
Hinaa, sworn and said, "I have given my property permanently to Kapule and I have known that Kauakahilau (plural) have given their parcels to Kapule."
[Award 848; R.P. 3086; Poohilo Honouliuli Ewa; 5 ap.; 2.802 Acs]